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TPiS Chassis Dyno working overtime

In the fast few years we've been moving from being just an engine shop and parts manufacturer to a complete facility to meet all of your high-performance vehicle's needs. The newest addition to our equipment family is our Land & Sea Eddy-Current chassis dyno. Unlike most roller-style dynos, we can do part throttle and full throttle tuning because we can apply any amount of load to the vehicles drivetrain/engine at any RPM and any amount. Since it is a hub-mounted dyno, there are no tire wear issues, no vehicle's suspension to tie down, and no tire slipping. Our new dyno has been an excellent tuning tool for EFI vehicle because we can fully tune the engine without driving the vehicle. A great feature for our cold Minnesota winters! We offer complete EFI tuning services for most GM vehicles, New Ford vehicles as well as an extensive knowledge of Weber, Holley, Edelbrock & Quadrajet carburetors. Need someone to get your Hilborn or other mechanical fuel injection tuned? We can do that too!

Time on the dyno is $100.00/hour
To schedule a time slot, call 952-448-6021 and talk to Jim.

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